
Email Notifications

Take control of your email updates by customizing your notification preferences on this page. Navigate to the Notifications page by selecting NOTIFICATIONS under the SETTINGS options in the main airplay menu (☰). Toggle each specific notification to suit your preferences seamlessly.

  1. New Fan:

    • Notifies you when you gain a new fan, keeping you informed about your growing audience.

  2. New Comment:

    • Alerts you whenever a new comment is made, helping you stay engaged with your audience and respond promptly.

  3. Weekly Newsletter:

    • Keeping you updated on the latest and most relevant information in the Radio Airplay community. Includes artist spotlights, reviews, and more.

  4. Airplay Notices:

    • Notifications related to your airplay account, ensuring you are informed about any relevant account updates, features, and etc.

  5. Weekly Stats Update:

    • Delivers a weekly overview of your statistics, offering insights into your performance and audience engagement.

  6. Play Credits Low:

    • Essential for claiming free credits when eligible, ensuring you have an uninterrupted promotional experience on the platform.

Email Notification On

Email Notification Off