
How Do I Get My Songs Back In Rotation Again?

Getting a song back onto Jango Radio stations and to the listeners there simply involves applying Play Credits to your song(s) on your account.

Similarly to assigning jukebox credits to a song to queue up its play, applying Play Credits to a song in your Radio Airplay account is what actually queues up the song for that many plays in Jango Radio stations.

To apply your Play Credits, first sign into your account.

Once signed in, hover over the Manage Songs button.

From that page, if you have any available credits they will appear in "Play Credits Unapplied" section and if you have any credits currently Applied to your song(s) it will show in the APPLIED section.

Hover over Manage next to the song, and you can determine how many play credits to apply.

Once credits are applied to a song, the new plays will begin automatically within a few hours. You don't have to do anything else. As the new play credits are used, your Radio Airplay account will update with information about those new Plays and Listeners - Each used Play Credit will correlate with a new Play and "Recent Listener" in your account information.